How to Use Daily Bible Readings

How to pray the Psalms. Read the psalm slowly, turn it over in your mind and follow the prayer point into a time of prayer.

Instructions for Bible Reading – Listen. Obey.  Share. Pick one of the three readings assigned for the day (Gospel, New and Old Testament).  Read the passage slowly and then answer the following questions:

Listen. What is the passage saying? What are the main points?  What does it say about God? What does it say about us?

Obey. The three steps of Gospel obedience:

  • Walk. What is God asking me to do?
  • Repent. How have I failed to obey what God is asking me to do? Confess this to God and ask for his forgiveness.
  • Believe. Which of God’s promises would I need to believe in order to obey what I have read?

Share. What can I share and with whom can I share it?