Lent 2020

Palm Sunday

Listen Listen to the prerecorded Children’s Message together.  Review: What do most people use their power for? [Hint: Most people try to use their power to make themselves happy and rich.] Lesson Let’s find out what Jesus did with his power. Read Philippians 2:6-7 together. What kind of power does Jesus have? [Hint: who is…

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Listen. Watch the prerecorded Children’s Message together.  What are some of the things that Pastor Nate said we can see better in the dark? Jesus is going to allow things to get dark for some of his friends that he loves. This is not the kind of dark when the lights are off, but the…

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Listen. Listen to the pre-recorded Children’s Message together.  What are the kinds of blindness that Pastor Nate talked about? We are going to read the first part of the story. Look for the man who has the first kind of blindness (he can’t see anything.) Read John 9:1-7 together.  What happens to the blind man when…

Third Sunday in Lent

Memorize these verses as a family: 1 Corinthians 10:3-4: They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.  Listen. God is leading Israel through the wilderness. God appears a pillar of cloud during the day and…


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